Boost Your Productivity with Office 365

Boost Your Productivity with Office 365

Whoa. Where did 2018 go?

How close are you to your business goals for the year? If you’re like most of the business leaders, managers and owners we speak to, not as close as you’d like.

They say time is money, and anyone who’s serious about Getting Things Done knows all about the importance of
time management.

Most of us find ourselves struggling to keep up with our to-do lists, especially in this digital age of information

Look online and you can find lots of tried and tested time management tips, like:

  • Plan your day before you start, so you can work out which tasks to focus on before the hours run away with you.
  • Get the grotty jobs out of the way first, so you don’t waste time putting them off.
  • Delegate everything except your greatest strengths. Focus on the stuff you’re best at, and pass the rest to someone else. A good way of thinking is this. As the key person leading a team, here’s a good phrase to burn into your mind… you should only do, what only you can do
  • Set a timer for specific tasks. It’s amazing how quickly we can get through jobs when the sands are trickling through the glass. Breaking up your day into specific tasks will help you steam through them. This is called chunking
  • Have a clear leaving time. When you set yourself a firm cut-off point you’re more likely to focus on the important tasks you have to get done.

Our team are experts at Office 365. So, to make things easier we’ve put together 21 great time saving hacks you can enjoy with Office 365.

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